目的 了解国内行为疗法的研究、应用概况及发展趋势。方法 用文献计量学方法对CBMdisc数据库中 1981年~ 2 0 0 0年行为疗法文献的时间分布、主题分布进行分析。结果 (1)国内行为疗法逐年累积文献量呈指数增长。 (2 )国内行为疗法以行为矫正、生物反馈及认知疗法应用较多 ,行为矫正和生物反馈已用于临床各科 ,应用最多的为心血管系统及神经内科疾病。认知疗法主要用于精神障碍 ,厌恶疗法主要用于物质戒断 ,系统脱敏用于恐怖症 ,沉思无临床应用的报道。结论 国内行为疗法处于学科大发展的初期阶段。
Objective To get informed of the general situation of research and application of the domestic Behavior therapy and its development trend. Methods By analyzing the time distribution and the subject distribution of the Behavior therapy literature from 1981 to 2000 in the CBMdisc by means of bibliometrics. Results (1) The literature amount of behavior therapy increases exponentially. (2) The Behavior Modification, the Biofeedback and the Cognitive therapy are widely used as far as the domestic Behavior therapy is concerned; the Behavior Modification and the Biofeedback have been applied in every clinical departments, especially in treating the cardiovascular diseases and the nervous diseases. The Cognitive therapy has mainly been applied to mental disorders (or dysphrenia); the Aversive therapy mainly to material withdrawl; the Systematic Desensitization to phobia. There is no applied literature of The Meditation. Conclusion The Behavior Therapy at home is in a stage of discipline fast development.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science
河南省科研事业发展计划项目 (0 14 1163 417)