高血压发病率有明显的性别差异,表现40岁前后女性高于男性,因此找出这种差异的原因,研究女性高血压的危险因素,对高血压的病因探讨和防治有较重要意义。对268例绝经后女性高血压病人及配比对照进行了高血压危险因素的流行病学研究,资料分析应用 logistic 数学模型。分析结果表明,女性高血压的主要危险因素是父母高血压史(OR=2.17,95%CL 为1.17~4.03);初产年龄和绝经年龄与女性高血压亦有关,表现初产年龄越早危险性越大的剂量反应关系;和绝经年龄越早患高血压危险性越大的剂量反应关系。
Sexual difference is very distinct in morbidity of hypertension and it is more likely to suffer from this disease in women around forty than in men around this age,thus it is very important to find out the cause of the difference and do research work on the risk factors of female hypertension will be very important in the study and prevention of the disease.268 cases of menopausal women were selected and studied according to matched cont. An epidemiological study of hypertension in menopausal women was conduc- ted.The conditional logistic regression analysis showed that the risk factors of hypertension in menopausol women were due to the history of hyperten- sion from fathers or mothers,OR and 95% CL of OR being 2.17(1.17~4.03). The age of primiparity and menopause was related to hypertension in women
Journal of Jinzhou Medical College
menopausal hypertension epidemiology OR