目的 :研究西司他丁钠 +亚胺培南 (泰能 )清除细胞培养中细菌污染的可行性。 方法 :将 1 5批细胞培养中已发生细菌污染的细胞 ,用含泰能 1 0~ 1 0 0 μg/ ml的 PBS洗涤 3次 (PBS用量逐次递增 ) ,第 3次洗涤之前将细胞悬浮于含 1 0 0 μg/ m l泰能的完全培养液 1 .5 ml中 37℃孵育 30 min;然后细胞移入含 1 0 0 μg/ m l泰能的完全培养液中培养 ,更换含 1 0 0 μg/ ml泰能的完全培养液 1次 / d,共 3d。结果 :成功消除 1 4批细菌感染 ,另 1批加用万古霉素后亦获成功。结论 :泰能可以有效消除细胞培养中的细菌污染 。
Objective: To establish a method using imipenem plus cil as tatin to eliminate bacterial contamination in cell culture. Methods: Washing cells twice with PBS containing 10 100 μg/ml imipenem plus cilastatin, suspend ing cells in 1.5 ml culture medium with 100 μg/ml imipenem plus cilastatin, th en incubating cells at 37℃ for 30 min. Washing again with PBS containing 100 μg/ ml imipenem plus cilastatin, then transferring the cells into imipenem plus cilastatin culture medium (with 10% FCS and 100 μg/ml imipenem plus cilasta ti n), changing imipenem/cilastatin culture medium once a day for 3 d. Re sults: Fourteen of 15 cases of bacterial contamination (9 were Bacillus and 6 were coc cus) were eliminated. The only failed case was contaminated by G + Corynebacter ium, which was also successfully eliminated when vancomycin was added. Conclusion: Imipenem plus cilastatin can eliminate most of bacterial contaminations in cell culture.
Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University
国家自然科学基金 ( 3 0 172 3 47)
上海市卫生系统百名跨世纪优秀学科带头人培养基金 ( 98BR0 2 9)