
悬雍垂腭咽成形术前后的嗓音分析 被引量:11

Preoperative and postoperative voice assessment of Uvulopalatophary
摘要 目的 探讨悬雍垂腭咽成形术(UPPP)对发声的影响。方法 对21例确诊阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征的成年男性患者分别在行腭咽成形术前1天、术后1月左右采取5个基本元音[a]、[e]、[i]、[o]、[u]的声学样本,同时患者使用VHI(voice handicap index ) 量表对术前、术后发声进行自我评价。对每位患者术前、术后的各项嗓音声学分析参数及VHI数值进行统计学对比。对变化的声学参数与术中切除组织体积量进行相关性分析。结果 术前术后患者5个元音的基频、第1、2共振峰无统计学差异。在[a]、[o]元音中第3共振峰明显降低,同时这种改变和切除组织量成正相关。患者的术前、术后VHI量表自我评价没有明显变化。结论 21例发音评价检测显示,UPPP对成人的发声不会产生明显影响,但高频共振峰会有所变化。从事歌唱、戏曲等专业用声者应认识到这种改变。 Objective To find whether Uvulopalatophary (UPPP) caused changes in the voice quality. Methods 21 adult male patientswere diagnosed as obstructive sleep apnea by clinical evaluation and polysomnography.The fundamental frequency and the first,second,andthird formants of five sustained vowels [a]、[i]、[e]、[o]、[u] were measured before and about one month after operation. Patients subjectivegradings include Voice Handicap Index score, questionaire on perception of vocal resonance, and change in voice were measured. ResultsNo significant differences were found before and after UPPP regarding fundamental frequency, the first, and second formants of the fivevowels.The change of perceptibility of voice was not significant. The decrease of the third formants in vowel [a] and [o] were statisticallysignificant. These changes were correlated with the volume of the tissue removal. Conclusion The study indicates that UPPP does nothave an significant impact on voice in adult male, except for changes of the third formant. These changes should be made clear to thoserelying on their voice for professional reasons.
作者 李博 张道行
出处 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》 2004年第1期24-25,共2页 Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation
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