黑龙江省与俄罗斯经贸合作历史悠久。目前,两地贸易存在的问题有:规模小,方式单一,增长 速度慢;经济技术合作层次低、领域窄;经贸主体实力不强;缺乏有效的法律约束和可靠的安保机制。对此, 应从经济全球化和区域一体化的高度出发,推动两地经贸向新层面发展。
The economic and trade cooperation between Heilongjiang province and Russia has a long history. Currently the trade between them is presenting some problems such as a mall scale, a single mode, a slow boost and a low level in technical and economy cooperation. Besides, their main economic body has not enough strength and there are no effective restraint of laws and reliable public security. In consideration of the trade conditions, both sides should proceed from the height of economic globalization and regional integration to push forward their cooperation.
The Border Economy and Culture