目的 :比较急性根尖周炎治疗前后根管渗出液中IL -1β、PGE2 浓度的变化。方法 :①标准纸尖法用于测量根管渗出液体积 ;②ELISA法和RIA法分别用于检测根管渗出液中IL -1β、PGE2 浓度。结果 ;①急性根尖周炎治疗过程中渗出液IL -1β、PGE2 浓度、渗出液体积均显著减少 ( p <0 .0 0 0 1) ;②初诊组根尖阴影面积大的根管渗出液中IL -1β、PGE2 浓度明显高于阴影小者 (P <0 .0 0 0 1)。结论 :IL -1β、PGE2 主要与根尖周炎急性期的炎症反应及骨破坏有关。
Objective:To study the changes of the concentration of IL-1β and PGE 2 in the exudates of acute periapical periodontitis in the course of root canal treatment.Method:①Quantify the volume of periapical exudates using the standard paper-point sampling method; ②Detect the concentrations of IL-1( and PGE 2 using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or radioimmunoassay. Result: ①There was a statistically significant decrease in the volume of exudates and the concentration of IL-1β or PGE 2 following root canal treatment (p<0.0001); ②The concentrations of IL-1β and PGE 2 in periapical exudates with large radiolucent area were significantly higher than those with small radiolucent area (p<0.0001).Conclusion: It indicated that IL-1β and PGE 2 were mainly involved in the acute inflammatory reactions and alveolar bone resorption of periapical periodontitis.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology