
丹参联合雷公藤治疗顽固性RAU临床疗效观察 被引量:2

Clinical effect of combining salvia miltorrhrza with tripterygium glyeosides in treatment of stubborn RAU
摘要 目的 :评价雷公藤、丹参治疗顽固性复发性阿弗它溃疡 (RAU)的疗效。方法 :70例顽固性RAU随机分成 2组 ,实验组 3 6例用丹参、雷公藤 ,金施尔康联合治疗 ,对照组 3 4例仅用金施尔康治疗 ,依据溃疡数目 ,溃疡间歇时间进行疗效观察。结果 :复诊 61例 ,治疗期 (半年内 )疗效 :实验组与对照组比较 :总间歇时间延长P <0 .0 5 ,总溃疡数减少P <0 .0 5。治疗后 1年疗效 :实验组 :全部病例显效 ,其中 8例痊愈。结论 :丹参与雷公藤联合应用治疗顽固性RAU效果好 ,无严重付作用。 Objective:To evaluate the effects of Combining Salvia Miltorrhrza with Tripterygium Glyeosides in the treatment of stubborn RAU.Method:70 patients of RAU were randomly divided into 2 groups: The test group:36 cases were administered with salvia Miltorrhrza. Tripterygium Glyeosides and Multivitamin Formula with Minerals, the control group: 34 cases with Multivitamin Formula with minerals, clinical examination evaluated the following symptom: total interval of Ulcer. total number of Ulcer.Result: The total interval of Ulcer of the test group was longer than that one, the total number of Ulcer of the test group was less than that one, the test group was the best effective in six months. 1 year after treatment, 8 cases of the test group was successful cured ,the test group was best effective. Conclusion: Combining Salvia Miltorrhrza with Tripterygium Glyeosides was best effect for the treatment of stubborn RAU and No serious adverse drug reations(ADRS)
作者 莫清波
出处 《临床口腔医学杂志》 2004年第1期57-58,共2页 Journal of Clinical Stomatology
关键词 丹参 雷公藤 阿弗它溃疡 salvia miltorrhrza tripterygium glyeosides RAU
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