应用蚕豆根尖细胞微核技术研究了在蚕豆根尖发育的不同时间 ,添加中华麦饭石浸液 ,对白酒诱发微核率的影响。结果表明 :在催芽、染毒和修复期添加中华麦饭石浸液 ,均能极显著降低由白酒诱发的微核率至蒸馏水对照组的水平上。中华麦饭石可能具有治疗、减轻和预防由饮酒引起的遗传损伤的作用。
The purpose of this paper is to study the affection of the soak of Chinese Medical stone on the micronuclei frequency caused by the alcohol. The method is to add the soak of Chinese Medical stone and to detect the micronuclei frequency in root tip cells of vicia faba caused by the alcohol when the root-tip of Vicia faba grows. The results are that when the soak of Chinese Medical stone is added during the time of vernalization, contaimination and repairment the micronuclei frequency caused by the alcohol can be decreased to the degree of distilled water. So Chinese Medical stone may cure, relieve or prevent the harm done by the alcohol to the hereditary. Besides this, the possible mechanism of the antimutation of the Medical stone is discussed.
Studies of Trace Elements and Health