从理论上证明了旋翼不平衡故障空间与桨毂固定坐标系六力素空间存在一对一映射关系 ;从桨毂固定坐标系六力素空间到多点机体振动频谱幅值空间存在一对一映射关系。由此证明了旋翼不平衡故障空间到多点机体振动频谱空间存在着一对一映射关系 ,构成了仅用机体振动信号诊断旋翼不平衡故障的理论基础。
It is proved in theory that there exists an injection of the rotor imbalance fault space into the six rotor hub loads space, and also an injection of the six rotor hub loads space into the rotor induced fuselage vibration space. So there exists an injection of rotor imbalance multi-faults space into rotor induced fuselage vibration space, which builds a theoretical basis for diagnosing the helicopter rotor imbalance fault using only information from fuselage vibrations. Tests on a fault seeded rotor test rig indicate that it is feasible to diagnose the rotor imbalance fault using only information from fuselage vibrations.
Journal of Vibration,Measurement & Diagnosis