In this article are put forward two methods for bounding the yin and yang attributes of Chinese medicines by the parameters (R1 and R2) of quantum (Sub - cluster) statistic mechanics, i. e., statistics based on the multiplicity of vital power elements and on the electrophilic strength of aquo ions of vital power elements respectively. The result shows that the later is more suitable to describe the property and yin - yang attribute of Chinese medicines: Chinese medicines with lower parameter R1 of sub - clusters and weak distribution of electrophilic strength are of yang, which mostly taste sweet, pungent, light and mild and those with higher parameter R2 of sub - clusters and strong distribution of electrophilic strength are of yin, whose taste are mainly bitter, sour, puckery, cold and cool. It appears that the strongest magnetic moment of Fe ions, if taken as the centre, becomes more and more weak towards the two sides of the centre. The Chinese medicines, which are mainly composed of elements with weak magnetic moment, such as Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Mo and Zn, are of yang while those which principally consist of such elements with weak magnetic moment as Fe, Co, Ni and Cu are of yin. The primary contribution of this article is that the yin and yang attributes of Chinese medicines are quantitatively studied by the way of quantum (sub - cluster) statistic mechanics, such yin and yang attributes that can be accepted and understood by the Western medical circles.
Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica-World Science and Technology