在凝汽器真空系统工作原理的基础上,建立了凝汽器真空系统的动态数学模型。该模型将凝汽器真空系统分解成蒸汽与空气两个相对独立的环节,由传热条件确定凝汽器的蒸汽分压力;由空气量确定凝汽器的空气分压力。模型已用于300 MW仿真机。
A method of development of dynamic mathematical model of the condensation vacuum system in 300MW unit is presented based on the working principle of the system. The system is divided into two relative independent parts, which are steam part and air part. The condensation steam pressure is calculated by heat transfer conditions and the condensation air pressure is calculated by air content. The mathematical model has been used in 300MW unit simulator.
Power System Engineering