中国股市自 2 0 0 1年 6月的 2 2 4 5点 (沪市指数 )的高点回落以来 ,股市一直在下降的通道里运行且有愈走愈疲的态势 ,其走势与其所处的基本面几乎是背道而驰的。这主要是因为股市的诚信缺失导致了投资者对股市信心的丧失 ,这已危及到中国股市的生存和发展 ,因此 ,加强中国股市的诚信建设已刻不容缓。股市的诚信建设是一个系统工程 ,需要政府、中介机构、上市公司等的相互配合和互动。
Chinese stock market has been moving in a descendent channel from the stock index of Shanghai fell from 2245 point, and the trend falls away the basic panel. The intrinsic and deep-seated reason is the credit crisis of stock market which induces investors to lose credit to stock market, and which endangers the survival and development of Chinese stock market. So it is necessary to strengthening credit construction of stock market. Credit construction of stock market is a systemic project and it needs cooperation and interaction of government, intermediaries and listed corporations.
The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics