在飞机复杂的系统中 ,由于性能要求的扩展 ,往往需要更高速度的电路和更宽的频带 ,这样 ,机上的电磁兼容性问题就十分突出。因此 ,要求干扰源的电磁发射 ,必须严格地限制在标准要求的极限值内。本文对电气设备的干扰方式进行了分析 ,并介绍了如何降低电磁发射的设计方法。
Higher-rate circuitry and higher bandwidth required for the function growth in a complex aircraft system will cause serious onboard EMC problems. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control the amount of electromagnetic emission from the electromagnetic energy source within the limits specified in applicable standards. In this paper, modes of interference with electric equipment is analyzed and design techniques for reduced electromagnetic emission is provided.
Aircraft Design