This paper mainly focuses on performance analysis of the previously proposedSTFT based 2-D timing approach to OFDM systems and presents simulations results of its performancein AWGN and multipath fading environment and its robustness against the duration of Channel ImpulseResponse (CIR) and frequency offset. Simulation results suggest that a revised version of Short-TimeFourier Transform (STFT) can be used to greatly reduce computational complexity, especially athigher SNR.
This paper mainly focuses on performance analysis of the previously proposedSTFT based 2-D timing approach to OFDM systems and presents simulations results of its performancein AWGN and multipath fading environment and its robustness against the duration of Channel ImpulseResponse (CIR) and frequency offset. Simulation results suggest that a revised version of Short-TimeFourier Transform (STFT) can be used to greatly reduce computational complexity, especially athigher SNR.
ThisworkissupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFund (No. 60 1 72 0 52
90 1 0 4 0 1 8)andKeyProjectsof 863Program (No.2 0 0 1AA1 2 30 1 6) .