本文作者等曾发现将镇痛中草药野木瓜注射液 (IS)涂布于大鼠隐神经可导致 C类纤维轴突膜膨胀、边界模糊 ;Aδ类纤维髓鞘出现较多的空洞和髓鞘崩解。本实验从 IS中提取了野木瓜皂甙 (SS)并将 0 .3 % SS涂布于大鼠隐神经 ,经电生理研究和电镜观察发现 :60 min后隐神经复合动作电位 A成分的传导被阻滞 ,并发现 A纤维髓鞘和 C纤维的轴突膜以及神经干的胶原纤维出现类似涂布 IS后出现的黑色斑块 ,并出现了局部的髓鞘崩解和轴突膜增厚并变模糊的现象。表明 SS对髓鞘和轴突膜有亲和力 ,可引起髓鞘和轴突膜结构的变化 。
Our previous study has shown that the axon membrane of C fibers in the saphenous nerve of rat is fluffed and the myelin sheath of A δ fibers is destroyed partly when the nerve is treated with 50% injection stauntoniae, a kind of analgesic in Chinese herbal medicine. In this study the stauntoniae saponin (SS) was extracted from injection stauntoniae and then 0.3% SS was prepared to apply on the saphenous nerve of SD rats. After the application, the nerve conduction was blocked in 60 minutes, the amplitude of A component of the compound action potentials dropped to 0.22±0.28(n=5) of the control (P<0.001), and myelin sheath of A fibers, axon membrane of C fibers and collagen fibers were attracted by many black spots from the views of TEM. The results indicate that the stauntoniae saponin may have an affinity with the myelin sheaths and the axon membranes, and result in nerve structure destruction and conduction blockage.
Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy
上海市高校科技发展基金 (2 0 0 0 D0 5 )资助项目