在过去几十年中 ,医学教育研究已在世界范围内得到了迅速的发展 ,但是许多问题仍然存在。英国皇家自由大学医学院ElizabethMurray教授 ,在她的一篇评论中列举了当前医学教育研究工作中存在的问题 ,并提出了若干解决办法。为提高医学教育研究的质量 ,作者认为在研究工作中应重视随机化、资金筹措。
In the past decades, the medical education research has been rapidly developed in the world, but many problems remain. Elizabeth Murray, the author of challenges in educational research, professor of Department of Primary Care and Population Sciences, Royal Free and University College Medical School, identifies several main problems and proposes their solution. In order to improve the quality of medical education research, the author indicates that the educational researcher should pay attention to problems with randomization, funding, defining outcomes and culture problem.
Fudan Education Forum