明自英宗以后 ,王朝每况愈下。独有弘治一世 ,政治清明 ,百姓安居 ,堪称“中兴之世”。是时涌现一大批良臣贤相 ,刘健便是最具代表性的一个。他为内阁首辅当朝八年 ,辅佐弘治皇帝革除弊政 ,励精图治。其为人正直 ,敢于犯颜直谏 ,被弘治视为心腹临终托孤。作为顾命大臣 ,刘健对荒戏的武宗极力匡扶 ,屡次上疏极谏。最后去权阉不成 。
After Emperor Ying Zong died, the situation of the Ming government was getting worse. The administration of emperor Hong Zhi was clear and bright and people at that time lived in peace, so in the history that reign is called 'the age of resurgence'. At that time wise and talent men were constantly emerging in large numbers, among whom Liu Jian was a representative one. Being as the chief cabinet minister for 8 years, he assisted emperor Hong Zhi to abolish the formal misgovernment and exerted all his efforts to make the Ming Dynasty prosperous. As a minister, Liu Jian tried all his best to help the indolent emperor Wu Zong, the son of Emperor Hong Zhi and often criticized the emperor's faults frankly, but all he did was in vain. At last failing in getting rid of the eunuchs who seized a rather big part of political power, he resigned in anger to lodge his protest to them.
Journal of Henan University of Science & Technology(Social science)