对人性的看法历来众说纷纭。荀子针对孟子的“性善论”提出了“性恶论” ,由于人性上的唯物观和平等观 ,他又认为人性不但应当改造而且也是可以改造的。在人性改造理论的基础上 ,荀子提出了“隆礼”、“重法”的治国主张 ,对当时及后世社会发展产生了巨大而深远的影响。
There were many different viewpoints on human nature in history. Contrary to Meng Zi's good human nature, Xun Zi put forward evil human nature. Because of the matter and equality on human nature, Xun Zi thought human nature not only should be reformed but also could be reformed. On the basis of human nature reformation theory, he brought forth his ruling theory worshipping ceremony and advocating law which have had great effect on the advance of contemporary and subsequent society.
Journal of Henan University of Science & Technology(Social science)