当前 ,大学生就业市场呈现出局部“就业难”的现象 ,认真分析其原因 ,主要是由于一些大学毕业生思想认识肤浅 ,就业观念落后 ,急功近利思想严重 ,求职主动性差 ,依靠心理强 ,缺乏奋斗意识等方面的原因造成的。因此许多专家提出应帮助大学生转变就业观念这个迫切需要解决的问题 ,笔者根据自己的工作实践 ,给大学生提出十点建议。概括为六重六轻 ,四多四少。
Up to now, students' career market takes on a partly difficult phenomenon. It mainly because some graduates have superficial thoughts and outdated job ideas. The thought for succeeding quickly is serious, which depends on the psychology, lack of struggling consciousness and other reasons. So a lot of experts agrue that we should help students to change this state and then solve it urgently. The author proposes 10 pieces of advice for students according to working experiences, which summarizes and values the six most important points and the four less important points.