大学生主体性教育是在对传统的工具性教育反思的基础上提出的一种新的教育思想和教育实践。本文借用哲学、心理学、教育学等学科研究的成果 ,根据高等教育的实际 ,阐述了大学生主体性教育具有本体性、民主性、实践性、开放性等基本特征 ,目的是把大学生培养成为自主性、能动性、创造性的社会主体。
The subjectivity education for students is a kind of new educational idea and method which is based on the negative reflection on the traditional pragmatism education. By resorting to studies on philosophy, psychology and pedagogy, according to the real setting of the higher education ,the author in this essay mainly expounds the fundamental characteristics of the subjectivity education for students. They are objective characteristic, democratic, practicality and opening. It aims at developing the students into initiative, motivated, creative subjects.