彩色直描心电向量图自动分析仪,是由三路心电信号采扩仪、A/D转换板、IBM PC/XT微型机组成。人体上微弱的心电信号经Frank导联体系送至三路心电信号采扩仪放大:A/D转换器在计算机控制之下,以2.5ms的间隔对x、y、z三路心电信号用同步采样、量化;量化后的数字信息储入内存,形成三个数组,由计算机进行下步组图、测算、打印报告等。该仪具有心电向量多项参数的彩色显示(分时、分幅、转向、角度等)和连续心电向量及时间心电向量图描记之特点。当前国内外的彩色心电向量图仪仅以彩色区别振幅高低,不具备该仪所具有的上述特点。
The colored direct vectorcardiogram auto—analyzer is composed of a three—route electroeardial signal amplifier. an A/D transformer and an IBM PC/XT microcomputer. The faint electrocardial signals of the body are transmitted to the three—route electrocardial signal amplifier by the Frank lead sysytem and get amplified: The A/D transformer, under the control of the computer, collects and quantifies the electrocardial signals of three routes of x, y, z simuta- simutaneously at the interval of the 2.5ms. The quantified digit signals are saved in the inner storage of the computer and form three digit groups which subsequently are utilized by the computer to compose diagram calculation and printing etc. The analyzer is of the characteristics of multiple vectorcardial parameters(time and amplitude differentiation, the changes of direction and angle), color displaying and time and continuous vectorcardiogram recording. At present, the vectorcardiogram recorders at home and abroad differentiate the amplitude only by colors and are of no the properties of our's.
Journal of Taishan Medical College
time vectorcardiogram
continuous vcctorcardiogram
auto analyzer
multiple vectorcardial parameters color displaying