炼焦生产是一极其复杂的动态体系 ,该生产体系中的输出量 (诸产物的生成量和品质指标 )与输入量 (原料煤的质量指标和生产工艺指标 )之间受着多种不稳定因素的影响 .近些年 ,人们注重炼焦生产中重要数据的积累和归纳 ,尤其是进行了许多相关的实验研究 .通过对大量生产数据和实验数据的回归分析 ,总结得出了多种重要技术指标之间的数学模型 .较全面地汇总了这类数学模型 ,并根据模型依据和实践应用情况进行了分类和评述 .
Coal coking production is a very complicated system. The relation between output numerical values (producing value and quality index of products) and input numerical values (quality index of raw and indexes of coking process) in the system is influenced with a lot of unsteadiness factors. In near years the accumulation and conclusion of important technical numerical values in coking production were noted. Especially many experiments of coking were down. The mathematical calculating models about many important coking technical indexes have been get through regress analysis to many data from production and from experiment. In this paper the mathematical calculating models were gathered relative completely across the board and were classified and reviewed according to the origin of mathematical calculating models and the status of application in coking production.
Coal Conversion