测定了稻草秆、小麦秆、玉米秆、棉花秆、大豆秆、玉米芯、花生壳和柳树、松树、桦树、杨树、杉树 1 2个农业生物质和林业生物质种类 2 7个样品中主要元素 K,Ca,Na,Mg,Al,Fe,P和痕量元素 As,Cr,Co,Cu,Cd,Mn,Mo,Ni,Pb,Ti,Zn,V,Si,Ba,Be,Se,Sb,Ge,Hg的含量 ,并用SPSS聚类分析法分别进行了 R型和 Q型聚类研究 ,对这些元素在生物质中的分布特征进行了研究 .结果显示 :杨木、杉木和桦木与松木和柳木归成一大类 ,经济类作物黄豆秆和棉花秆分别归类后又归入一大类 ;农业生物质稻草秆和小麦秆、玉米秆被归入一类 ;虽然 2 7种生物质样品分别取自我国东北、华东、华北和西南地区 ,在地理位置上相距极远 ,但样品聚类谱系图表明 ,元素的分布特征与生物质的种类的关系显著 ,与产地的关系不明显 ,即元素的分布特征受种类的影响大 ,而受生长环境、气候、土壤条件的影响小 .
This paper has investigated the contents of major elements such as K,Ca,Na,Mg,Al,Fe,P and trace elements as As,Cr,Co,Cu,Cd,Mn,Mo,Ni,Pb,Ti,Zn,V,Si,Ba,Be,Se,Sb,Ge,Hg in biomass residues by means of ICP from Shanxi province of North China, Heilongjiang province of Northeast China, Anhui province of East China, Sichuan province of Southwest China. 12 different biomass types including agricultural biomass residues such as rice, wheat, corn, cotton, bean, corn cobs, peanut and forest biomass residues such as osier, pine tree, birch, poplar and altogether 27 samples are analyzed. SPSS of cluster analysis method is applied to the study of elemental distribution characteristic. The results show that osier, pine tree, birch, poplar belong to one group; rice straw, wheat straw, corn straw belong to one group, bean straw and cotton straw is classified into subgroup. The distribution characteristics are related to the species of the biomass and less related to the growing region that reflect variations in climate and soil characteristics.
Coal Conversion