本文结合妈湾4台300MW汽轮发电机励磁系统的运行经验 ,针对HWTA自动励磁调节器暴露出的若干问题 ,如调节器稳压电源不可靠、保护及限制回路设计上存在的原理缺陷等进行了分析总结。着重介绍了较成熟的几点改进措施 。
In combination with operation experience of4sets of300MW turbo_generator excitation systems in Mawan Power Plant,this article analyses and summarizes a few problems occurred on HWTA automatic excitation regulator,such as unstabilized power supply of the regulator,design principle defects in protective and limit circuits and etc.This article mainly introduce improving measures,which is proved to be mature by operation,and explains design of secondary circuit associated with the automatic putting into operation of stand_by excitation equipment.
Large Electric Machine and Hydraulic Turbine