Starting with the understanding of science as a stereoscopic network,this paper classifies dialectological studies into two categories, i. e. those internally-oriented( IODS)and externally-oriented( EODS). The IODSs are essential research of dialectology proper as a branch of linguistics, with its main concerns being various regional varieties of a language as different from its standard form. It includes the core fields such as the definition and methodology of dialectology, dialectal features,regional division and history of dialects. EODSs on the other hand,are those that take dialectological facts as research data and objectives to meet needs of other research fields. EODSs not only make use of dialectological findings,but also serve as a link between dialectology and other research fields and provide dialectology with feedback from other fields. The range of EODSs of dialects is thus remarkably wide. The paper singles out a number of main fields for the present discussion,including dialectal studies for general linguistics,cross-linguistic studies of dialects in the geographic,historical or typological perspectives,studies of dialects in connection with humanities and social sciences, and dialectal studies for applied fields such as dialect teaching. Finally, it emphasizes that internally-oriented and externallyoriented studies of dialects ought to understand each other better and avoid using one paradigm to judge the other field. The two sides should receive the mutual respect and then obtain benefits from one another.
internally-oriented studies
externally-oriented studies
stereoscopic network