

The Study on Luozhou City and Xin Si Qi Qi Lu
摘要 《辛巳泣蕲录》版本流传有序,并非伪作,该书详细讲述蕲州之役的守城经过、城池陷落后和战争后赵与褣安抚百姓的具体情况,弥补了《宋史·李诚之传》记载的不足,对研究蕲春罗州城具有重要的文献价值。然一直以抄本流行,流传范围集中在汉阳、常熟、苏州等地的藏书家手中,直到道光年间钱熙祚始刊刻成书。随着蕲春罗州城近年来考古工作的开展,《蕲春罗州城:2001年发掘报告》和《罗州城与汉墓》的相继出版,为进一步研究罗州城提供了可靠的资料。结合《辛巳泣蕲录》和《宋史》的记载,对'罗州城第一重城所有城垣之上都覆盖着宋代的加工堆积'这一特殊遗迹现象进行考证,认为是宋代李诚之知蕲州时的残留遗迹,第一重城垣的具体名称则是《辛巳泣蕲录》所载金兵破城时吏民'相率投身于子城河内而死'中的子城。罗州城第二重城垣则当为《辛巳泣蕲录》记载的李诚之所守'本州九里三十六步之城',在罗州城第二重城垣南垣中段的地面和表土层下发现有聚集一起的大量的陶质弹丸更有可能是嘉定十四年蕲州之役的遗物。 On March 8th 1221,the army of Jin(金)attacked Luozhou City(蕲春罗州城).Li Chengzhi(李诚之)who had been living in Luozhou city for three years was the chief magistrates of Luozhou(罗州).Li Chengzhi and Zhao Yurong(赵与榕)decided to fight desperately against the army of Jin. Luozhou did fall when the troops crossed the river and broke through the gates and walls after25 days. The invading army of Jin had massacred many people in Luozhou city. Zhao Yurong eventually managed to take refuge while Li Chengzhi gave his life as a sacrifice for the Southern Song Dynasty(1127-1279). In memory of this slaughter. Zhao Yurong wrote a book named Xin Si Qi Qi Lu(《辛已泣蕲录》).This paper proved that how Xin Si Qi Qi Lu written by Zhao Yurong forms into a book and its edition, generalize the contents and its documentary value as a historical records. From the Southern Song Dynasty( 1127-1129) to the Qing Dynasty( 1636-1912),there were some manuscripts in Hanyang(汉阳),Changshu(常熟)and Suzhou(苏州).This book edited by Qian Xizuo(钱熙祚)was printed in huge numbers by woodblock prints(雕版印刷)among Daoguang(道光)reign( 1821-1825). The archaeological excavations had confirmed some records in this book. The innermost wall of Luozhou city named Zi Cheng(子城)was repaired in Song Dynasty( 960-1279) by Li Chengzhi in Xin Si Qi Qi Lu.Many people threw themselves into the river of Zi Cheng(子城)to commit suicide. The length of the second wall of Luozhou city was 5061.42 meters(本州九里三十六步之城),Some pottery projectiles excavated in the ground in the southern wall of the second wall might be shot by the troops of Jin.
作者 卢亚辉 Lu Yahui;School of Archaeology and Museology,Peking University
出处 《西部考古》 2017年第3期309-321,共13页
关键词 赵与褣 李诚之 《辛巳泣蕲录》 《蕲春罗州城——2001年发掘报告》 《罗州城与汉墓》 Zhao Yurong Li Chengzhi Xin Si Qi Qi Lu The Archaeological Excavation Report of Luo zhou City in 2001(《蕲春罗州城—2001年发掘报告》) Luo zhou City and Han Dynasty Tombs(《罗州城与汉墓》)
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