
唐长安名刹西明寺补正——兼论西明寺学派的特征及形成原因 被引量:1

Supplementary Amendment to Ximing Temple, A Famous Buddhist Temple in Chang’an in the Tang Dynasty——On the Characteristics and Causes of the Ximing Temple School
摘要 位于唐代京师长安的西明寺,是一座规模大、等级高的皇家寺院,从这个寺院建成的那天起,一批大师级的佛学人才便聚居这里,使之成为一座风云际会的寺院。这座寺院因其本身的重要性和传世资料的丰富性,历来为学术界所关注,并取得了丰富的研究成果。同时,西明寺作为唐代为数不多经过考古发掘的寺院之一,为探讨唐代寺院布局等问题提供了重要的实物资料。在前人研究的基础上,本文着重对西明寺的平面布局、与皇室的关系、国际性、毁灭的时间等进行了补正,同时提出西明寺学派这一概念,并初步分析了该学派的特征及形成原因,其中对寺院布局的补正和对西明寺学派的分析研究是本文的重点。特别是笔者从考古资料出发,结合早年绘制的西明寺平面布局示意图,并与日本奈良大安寺的平面布局复原图进行比较,明确提出西明寺是一座前有双塔、后为佛殿和庭院组成的多重院落、以其他建筑为辅助、佛殿位于南北中轴线上的寺院。特别要注意的是,玄奘在设计修建西明寺时以祇园精舍为蓝本,这是玄奘要将唐王朝建设成印度之外的又一个佛教中心这一宏大心愿的反映。 Located in Chang’an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, the Xi Ming Temple was a large and high-level royal temple. From the day it was built, a group of masters of Buddhism lived here, making it a temple of great. Because of its own importance and the wealth of materials passed down from generation to generation, this temple has always been concerned by the academic circle and rich research results have been achieved. At the same time, as one of the few temples in the Tang Dynasty which have been excavated by archaeology, Xi Ming Temple provides important materials for the discussion of the layout of temples in the Tang Dynasty. On the basis of the predecessors, this article emphatically revises layout of the Xi Ming Temple, the relationship with the royal family, internationality and the time of destruction,in addition, this article puts forward the concept of the Xi Ming temple school, preliminary analysis of the characteristics and forming reasons of the school. Among those, amendment to layout of the temple and research of the Xi Ming temple school are the focuses of this article, especially consulting early floor-plane of Xi Ming Temple, comparing it with floor-plane of Japan’s Da An Temple of Nara Period and combining archaeological materials, the author explicitly proposes that the Xi Ming Temple is a place where twin towers lie ahead, multiple courtyards which consist of Buddha halls and dooryards locate behind and Buddha halls locate in the north-south axis line. It is noteworthy that construction of the Xi Ming Temple,which is modeled on the Jetavana, is a reflection of Xuan Zang’s ambition to make the Tang Dynasty become another center of Buddhist besides India.
作者 冉万里 Ran Wanli(School of Cultural Heritage,Northwest University)
出处 《西部考古》 2019年第1期183-207,共25页
关键词 唐代 长安 西明寺 西明寺学派 道宣 the Tang Dynasty Chang’an Xi Ming temple the Xi Ming temple school Dao Xuan
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