
边事、吏事、文事:乾隆征缅之役从军文人诗作的历史意涵 被引量:1

Border-incidents,Official Tasks and Literary Affairs :The Historical Implication of the Literati’s Poems During the War of Qianlong Against Burma
摘要 乾隆征缅之役是清代重要的政治、军事事件,在清史和中缅关系史上有重要影响。征缅期间有经略边事而又具有深厚的文学修养的明瑞、阿桂、傅恒等封疆大臣以及佐幕入滇的文人。他们在征缅之役中的文学活动十分活跃,相互往来唱和,形成了以入滇文人为核心,兼幕主和地方文人组成的文学群体。入滇文人的诗歌创作内容得以拓展,诗境有了极大提高,艺术特色以新奇为主。究其原因,与他们所处的地理空间的变化、个人身份的转变、矛盾心态的交织、军旅生涯的历练以及对边疆边事认知的深入有密切关系。从军文人的相关诗文集中折射了他们面对西南边疆新环境和战争的残酷现实,其内心交织着恐惧、新奇、幸运和企盼的复杂心情。以历史、地理和文学的多维视角审视乾隆征缅期间的文学活动,有利于丰富这一特殊背景下的历史细节;从军文人所记见闻,从另一维度表现了清王朝对缅甸所采取的措施和处理边疆问题的方略、过程、态度等复杂经纬。 Qianlong’s war against Burma was an important political and military event in the Qing Dynasty which play an important role on the history of the Ding Dynasty and China-Myanmar relations.During this period,there are a lot of feudal ministers who has profound literary accomplishment and engages in military affairs such as Ming Rui,A Gui and Fu Heng.Their active literary activities and supporting each other formed a literary group with the literati,who came to support Yunnan,as core and made up with the man who convenes literati and local literati.The content of poetry creation of the literati in Yunnan has been expanded,the poetic environment has been greatly improved,and the artistic feature is novelty.The reasons why are closely related about the change of geographical space,the change of personal identity,the interweaving of contradictory state of mind,the experience and training of military career and the deep cognition of frontier affairs.Complexed mixture of fear,novelty,luck and expectation in their mind and faced the harsh realities of the new environment and war in the southwest frontier are familiar in collection of related poems of military literati.The literary activities conducive to enriching the historical details in this special context which based on the multi-view such as history,geography and literature during the war against Burma in Qianlong.It shows the another view of measures taken by the Ding Dynasty to Myanmar and the complicated strategies,processes and attitudes of dealing withborder issues from what literati in the army have seen.
作者 茶志高 Cha Zhigao
出处 《西北民族论丛》 CSSCI 2018年第2期191-212,420-421,共23页 Northwest Ethnology Series
基金 中国博士后基金资助项目“明清时期云南籍士人群体的边疆民族认知研究”(项目编号:2018M633432) 云南省第四批博士后定向培养资助项目的阶段性成果
关键词 乾隆征缅 入滇文人 文学活动 边疆认知 历史意涵 Qianlong Levy Myanmar battle Enlist Literati Literary Activities Perception of Frontier Historical Implications
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