The achievement on the development of plants derived from maizehybrids provides possibility for utilizing haploids in maize breeding.Atpresent it can hardly be applied in reeding because of the difficulty inobtaining enough number of vigorous fertile plants after transplanting.Ina preliminary study of the physiological characteristics of the pollen plan-ts,we have found that they had only small and thin leaves with lowassimilating rate anda few and slender roots with weak activity.The fol-lowing means were.taken in the experiment in order to increase the per-centage of survival and fertile plants.white′s medium was used to developvigorous pollen plants.The roots of seedlings were submerged in the so-lution of IBA or NAA (50 100ppm) for 30 minutes,then the plant wastransplanted into the soil containing fully fermented horse manure whichamounted to one-third of the total.After transplanting,the pollen plantwas covered with glass chimney to keep moist for 3~5 days.Underillumination of 20,0001ux,the leaves were sprayed with the solution of6-AB (0.1~0.5ppm).During growing period the temperature was main-tained at 18~32℃ and supplementary light above 29,000 lux was appliedto maintain a day-length of 11—14 hours.As a result,the percentage ofsurvivol pollen plants was raised,to 61.8—81,3%,and that of fertileplants was raised to 46.5%.There (?)igures were very significant.
Acta Agronomica Sinica