发电侧引入竞争机制使发电厂如何组合、发电资产如何重组成为电力市场的重要研究课题。近年来 ,在电源规划过程中 ,负荷需求、发电成本等许多因素日益呈现不确定性 ,制定发电规划必须考虑这些不确定性因素 ,从而使发电组合成为鲁棒性组合。叙述了首先界定发电厂组合鲁棒性的真实内涵 ,然后提出鲁棒发电厂组合的数学模型 ,通过所建数学模型的优化分析 ,将所建模型转变成常规非参数模型问题求解的方法 。
Introducing competition to generation side has made generation organization and reorganization of generating asset the key research subjects in power market.In recent years,the uncertainties of factors such as load demand and generation cost in power source planning grow increasingly.These uncertainties must be considered while developing power source plan to make the generation organization robust.The actual content of the robustness of generation organization was expatiated first and the mathematics model of robust generation organization was then put forward.Through optimization analysis on the established mathematics model,the model was transformed into conventional non-paramentic model for resolution.The applicability of the mathematics model was well proved through examples.
East China Electric Power