用常规的细菌分离纯化法从活性污泥、河泥中分离出目标菌种 (兼性厌氧固氮化能异养菌 ) ,经过驯化后 ,以发酵液对造纸、印染两种废水的絮凝效果为指标 ,选取培养得较好的一种 ,分析了影响其絮凝效果的主要因素。结果表明 :培养温度为30℃ ,pH为7.0 ,培养90h时絮凝效果最好 ,少量的Ca2 + 可提高絮凝率。
The aimed bacterial strains(Azotobacter)were isolated and purified from activated sludge and riverain mud using normal ways of screening.Through investigating the flocculating abilities for(paper making?printing and dyeing)wastewater a strain,which had the highest flocˉculating activity among them,was finally picked out.The major factors which influence the flocculation of the strains were studied.The results showed that when the temperature of30℃and pH of7.0,it grows90h will reach the optimum flocculation ability.The addition of small amount of Ca 2+ in wastewater could increase the flocculation ability also.
Energy Environmental Protection