

Pre hospital emergency rescue analysis of cardiopulmonary resuscitation of 81 cases
摘要 目的:心脏呼吸骤停发生在急诊室和院外的患者很多,迅速准确的判断心跳呼吸骤停,尽早地实施有效的心肺复苏,是抢救成功的关键。分析与探讨院前急诊急救流程。方法:收治在急诊抢救室和院前心肺复苏的患者81例,对他们的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:81例心肺复苏患者中有29例在一定时间内心跳恢复,恢复窦性心律时间3~30分钟,29例恢复心跳的患者中有17例自主呼吸恢复,恢复自主呼吸时间0.5~36小时,17例心肺复苏成功的患者中有10例神智恢复。结论:①心脑肺复苏成功率与开始复苏时间,有无电除颤、气管插管时间、现场目击者参与有直接关系,复苏开始越早,成功率越高。②合理使用除颤技术。③尽早进行气管插管,充分通气,改善供氧,这是抢救成功与否的决定因素。④提高社区人群院前急救常识及普及心肺复苏技术,这对于提高院前急救水平,降低死亡有着重要意义。 Objective:To analyze and discuss the pre hospital emergency treatment process.With the development of society,the health requirements and the expectation of life of residents were more and more high.Many cardiac respiratory arrest occurred in the emergency room and outside the hospital,rapid and accurate judgment with cardiac respiratory arrest and early CPR effectively were the key to successful rescue.Methods:We selected 81 cases of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in emergency resuscitation room and outside the hospital during 2010 June to 2013 June,clinical data of them were retrospectively analyzed.Results:In 81 cases of patients with cardiopulmonary resuscitation,29 cases of heart were recovered in a certain period of time,and the restoration of sinus rhythm time was 3~30 minutes.In 29 patients with the heartbeat,spontaneous breathing of 17 cases was recovery,the recovery time of spontaneous breathing was 0.5~36 hours.In 17 cases with successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation,10 cases of sanity was restored.Conclusion:①There was a direct relationship between cardio pulmonary cerebral resuscitation rate and recovery time,with or without defibrillation,endotracheal intubation time,participation of witnesses at the scene in time.The recovery started sooner,the higher the success rate.②The rational use of defibrillation technology.③Early tracheal intubation,sufficient ventilation,improving the oxygen supply,which were the decisive factors for the success of the rescue.④Improving the common sense of pre hospital emergency in community population and popularizing cardiopulmonary resuscitation had important significance to improve the level of pre hospital first aid and reduce the death.
作者 张洪
出处 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2014年第7期33-34,共2页
关键词 院前急救 复苏成功率 普及心肺复苏技术 Pre hospital first aid The success rate of resuscitation Popularizing cardiopulmonary resuscitation
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