目的:探讨过氧化氢低温等离子灭菌器在使用过程中灭菌效果的可靠性和生物监测结果的报告时间。方法:对80批次低温等离子灭菌物品从清洗、包装、灭菌操作、灭菌器的物理监测、化学监测、生物监测等方面,按照WS 310.2和WS 310.3的规范相关要求进行操作,并对生物监测24小时与48小时结果相比较。结果:80批次中,有3批次生物监测结果不合格判定为灭菌不合格、24小时与48小时结果相符。结论:过氧化氢低温等离子灭菌作为一项新型技术,作用原理的技术性会受到诸多因素的影响。在临床使用过程中应与各科室做好沟通,尽可能三大监测全部完成判定灭菌合格后,灭菌物品再放行。也给设备生产厂家提出了新的要求,能否研制出生物监测快速阅读仪,才有利于更好地为临床提供放心、安全、及时的诊疗器械,更好的发挥CSSD在医院的支持保障系统的功能。
Objective:To discuss the reliability of sterilization and biological monitoring results reporting time of hydrogen peroxide low-temperature plasma sterilizer in the use process.Methods:The 80 batch of low-temperature plasma sterilization items from physical monitoring,chemical monitoring,biological monitoring etc of the cleaning,packaging,sterilization,sterilization,operate in accordance with the WS 310.2 and WS 310.3 specification requirements,and compare the results of 24 hours and 48hours of the biological monitoring.Results:In 80 batches,3 batches of biological monitoring results were not qualified,and determine for sterilization of unqualified,the results of 24 hours and 48 hours were consistent.Conclusion:Hydrogen peroxide low-temperature plasma sterilization is a new technology,the technical principle will be influenced by many factors.In the process of clinical use should be prepared with the departments of communication,as far as possible three monitoring completed decision eligible sterilization,sterilization items to release.For equipment manufacturers to put forward new requirements,whether can develop biological monitoring of fast reading instrument,it helps to provide rest assure,safe,timly medical instruments for clinical,better play the function of CSSD in the hospital support system.
PS-100 low-temperature plasma sterilizer
Sterilization and supply center
Observation of sterilization effect