

Application effect of calcitriol in the hematodialysis of patients with renal failure
摘要 目的:观察与分析骨化三醇在肾功能衰竭患者血液透析中的应用效果。方法:选取采取血液透析方式进行治疗的肾功能衰竭患者100例,患者在入院后给予原发病的对症治疗,在此基础上,每周进行2~3次血液透析,每次持续时间3~4小时,在血液透析的同时加用骨化三醇进行静脉注射。结果:治疗3个月后,患者的血钙水平较治疗前有所升高,但差异无统计学意义(t=12.21,P>0.05);患者的血磷水平较治疗前有显著降低,比较差异具有统计学意义(t=22.56,P<0.05);患者的钙磷乘积值较治疗前显著降低,比较差异具有统计学意义(t=25.00,P<0.05)。结论:在慢性肾功能衰竭患者血液透析治疗过程中,应用骨化三醇能够很好地改善患者的肾功能,使患者的血钙、血磷平衡得到良好的调节。 Objective:To observe and analyze the application effect of calcitriol in the hematodialysis of patients with renal failure.Methods:100 patients with renal failure were selected,and they were treated with hemodialysis treatment.The patients were treated with primary disease treatment after admission.On this basis,all patients were treated with 2~3 times hemodialysis every week.The every time duration was 3~4 hours.All patients were treated with intravenous calcitriol at the same time of hemodialysis.Results:After 3 months of treatment,the serum calcium level of patients was increased than that of before treatment,but the difference was not statistically significant(t=12.21,P>0.05).The serum phosphate level of patients was significantly decreased than that of before treatment,the difference was statistically significant(t=22.56,P<0.05).The calcium-phosphorus product value was significantly lower than that of before treatment,the difference was statistically significant(t=25.00,P<0.05).Conclusion:In the hematodialysis treatment process of patients with chronic renal failure,calcitriol can well improve the renal function of the patients,make a good regulation of the serum calcium and serum phosphorus balance.
作者 郭瑞
出处 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2014年第12期77-77,79,共2页
关键词 骨化三醇 肾功能衰竭 血液透析 Calcitriol Renal failure Hematodialysis
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