目的:探讨注射用丹参(冻干)治疗不稳定型心绞痛的临床疗效。方法:2012年2月-2014年2月收治不稳定型心绞痛患者104例,将其随机分为治疗组和对照组,各52例。两组均给予常规治疗,对照组加用低分子肝素钙5 000IU/次,1次/12 h皮下注射。治疗组在对照组基础上加用注射用丹参(冻干)静注,1次/d。1个疗程后分别观察两组心绞痛发作频率以及静息心电图改善情况。结果:治疗组心绞通改善总有效率92.30%,对照组75.0%,心电图改善总有效率分别为75.0%及57.6%。治疗组在总有效率、异常心电图改善及治疗前后周围血像变化等方面均优于对照组。两组患者治疗后上述指标间比较差异亦均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:注射用丹参(冻干)治疗不稳定型心绞痛能明显改善患者的近期疗效,优于单用低分子肝素钙,安全可靠。
Objective:To investigate clinical efficacy of the Dan Shen injection(freeze-dried) in the treatment of unstable angina pectoris.Methods:104 patients with unstable angina were selected from February 2012 to February 2014.They were randomly divided into the treatment group and the control group with 52 cases in each.The two groups were given the conventional therapy treatment,and the control group were treated with low molecular heparin calcium 5 000 IU/time,1 time/12 h subcutaneous injection.The treatment group was given Danshen injection(freeze-dried) intravenous injection based on the in the control group,1 time/d.We observed the seizure frequency of angina pectoris and resting electrocardiogram improvement of the two groups after 1 months treatment.Results:The total efficiency of angina pectoris improvement of the treatment group was 92.30%.The control group was75%.The total effective rate of the ECG improvement were 75% and 57.6% respectively.The total effective rate,abnormal electrocardiogram improvement and the changes in peripheral blood before and after treatment and other aspects of the treatment group was better than those of the control group.The above index differences of the two groups patients also after the treatment were significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:Danshen injection(freeze-dried) in the treatment of unstable angina pectoris can obviously improve the patients with unstable angina pectoris curative effect in the near future.It is better than the one with low molecular heparin calcium,and it is safe and reliable.
Chinese Community Doctors