
磁共振容积动态增强在腹部占位性病变的临床应用价值 被引量:1

Clinical application value of liver acquisition with volume acceleration enhancement in the abdominal space-occupying lesions
摘要 目的:探讨磁共振容积动态(LAVA)增强扫描技术在腹部病变的临床应用及诊断价值。方法:收治腹部病变患者54例,给予LAVA增强扫描明确诊断,所有患者检查成功,图像质量优良,分析T1双回波、T2 fs FRFSE系列与LAVA增强扫描影像表现。结果:52例患者阳性率100%,LAVA增强扫描诊断符合率98.1%,术前误诊1例。结论:LAVA增强扫描具有较高时间分辨率,动态增强有助于病变性质推测。 Objective:To explore the clinical application and diagnostic value of liver acquisition with volume acceleration(LAVA) enhanced scan technology in the abdominal lesions.Methods:52 patients with abdominal lesions were selected.They were given LAVA enhanced scan to clarify a diagnosis.All patients were checked successfully.The image quality was excellent.The T1 dual echo,T2 fs FRFSE series and LAVA enhanced scan imaging finding were analyzed.Results:The positive rate of 52 patients were 100%.LAVA enhanced scan diagnose accordance rate was 98.1%.1 case was misdiagnosed before operation.Conclusion:LAVA enhanced scan has higher time resolution, and the dynamic enhancement contributes to speculate the lesions nature.
出处 《中国社区医师》 2015年第23期111-112,共2页 Chinese Community Doctors
关键词 磁共振 容积动态扫描 增强 腹部病变 Magnetic resonance Volume dynamic scanning Enhancement Abdominal lesions
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