In this article, the problem of absolute stability of direct regulated system:is disscused by Liapunov's direct method. A method of construction of Liapu-nov function is given. This Liapunov function has form of x plus an integral of a nonlinear function (?)(σ), that isthe derivative of V along the system (1) is a negative indefinite quadratic form of variables x and (?).We get the following results:Theorem 1. Assume that the matrix A is stable, the vectors a, b satisfy the following two inequalitiesand for real number ω,then the system (1) is absolutely stable in angle [0,μ0](μ0<∝).Theorem 2. Assume that the matrix A is stable, and vectors a , b satisfy the inequalityb*a<0 and for real number ωthen the system (1) is absolutely stable.
Journal of Xiamen University:Natural Science