商标与广告主题句是企业形象战略“CI”(Corporate Identity)的主要组成部分 ,是商品进入市场的桥梁之一。本文主要从商标英译汉的分析和评估中指出这类应用文体的翻译特色 :纯粹译意法 ;纯粹译音法 ;特色化的译音法 ;自由译法。此外 ,广告主题句的译法体现出更大的自由度 ,如何在把握上述翻译技巧的同时 ,将实践提高到“文化转向翻译”的高度 ,是这类应用文体翻译需要注意的情况。本文指出通过了解商标和广告主题句翻译的艺术特色 ,译者应当培养起一种翻译的敏感度 ,在实践中体现翻译的灵活性 ,在再创作的过程中 ,完成有特色的翻译。
Brand names and slogans make up a major part in Corporate Identity and build up a bridge between the producer and the customer. This paper analyzes some E-C brand name and slogan translation and proposes four techniques for brand name translation: meaning translation, transliteration, acculturated transliteration and free translation. Since slogan enjoys a far freer flexibility in stylistic translation, this paper focuses on the acculturation in this type of translation. This paper concludes that advertisement translation should be regarded as a featured translation that demands translator's translation sensitivity and flexibility.
Foreign Language Education