
核心知识系统及其对相关研究的启示 被引量:2

Research On Core Knowledge Systems And Indications To Relative Fields
摘要 核心知识系统出现于人类个体发展和种系发展的早期,在人类复杂认知能力的发生发展中起着建构模块的作用。该文以表征物体和数量关系的两类核心知识系统的性质及二者在儿童的“数”概念形成和成人的数学思维中所起的作用为例,综述了以灵长类动物、婴儿、儿童和成人为被试的研究证据,并进而提出了核心知识系统给相关研究带来的若干启示。 To make the mechanism under complex cognitive skills such as readings and calculation understandable, core knowledge systems are suggested as component cognitive systems with a long ontogenetic and phylogenetic history which children and adults use as building blocks to construct new cognitive abilities. Studies of human infants suggest that core knowledge systems are mechanisms for representing and reasoning about particular kinds of ecologically important entities and events. Core knowledge systems are limited in a number of ways: They are domain specific, task specific, and encapsulated. Research on older children and adults suggests that core knowledge systems continue to exist and they serving as building blocks for the development of new cognitive skills. A single case study of core knowledge and cognitive development centering on the domain of number is presented in this article explaining how core knowledge system work. From research on core knowledge, some indications arise. First, human infants and other animals are also available for cognitive studies because they both exhibit many of the cognitive systems serve as cognitive skills?building blocks. Second, comparison as a basic cognitive operation needs more studies on it. Third, research on conceptual formation and conceptual structure will have some ideas from the combination of study on core knowledge system and psychological essentialism.
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期12-21,共10页 Advances in Psychological Science
关键词 领域特殊性 核心知识 自然数 概念 domain specificity, core knowledge, natural number, concept.
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