目的 通过对本院7年60例住院川崎病患儿的发病情况、临床特征、治疗及预后进行回顾性分析,了解本地区川崎病的流行病学、临床诊治水平及预后情况,规范川崎病患儿的诊断、治疗,改善预后。方法 抽调我院1995年1月至2001年12月7年间收治的60例川崎病住院病历及门诊随访病历登记。结果 我院住院患儿病人呈明显逐年增加,且该病在本地区呈现春夏交季及冬季两个发病高峰,1-5岁发病率最高,男女比例1.3:1。急性期43例病人超声心动图检查有24例出现冠脉异常,占56%。恢复期彩超随访仍有7例冠脉异常,占16%;住院患儿发病10天内静脉免疫球蛋白(IVIG)治疗为45%。结论川崎病是儿童常见疾病,5岁以下发病率高,心脏后遗症多,目前已成为儿科心血管领域研究的重要课题。应提高广大基层医师对该病的认识,做到早诊早治,降低后遗症。
Objectives The objective of this paper is to describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of Kawasaki disease. Method 60 cases with Kawasaki disease hospitalized from January, 1993 to December, 2001 in our hospital were studied regarding age, sex, season of illness, cardiac sequelae, outcome etc.Results Cases with Kawasaki disease hospitalized in our hospital are increasing per year. There are two peaks in the winter and during of summer with spring. The age peak of incidence was between 1 - 5 year olds. Male to female ratio was 1.3 : 1. The proportion of patients with coronary artery anomaly in the acute phase was 56 % , and 16 % in the convalescent phase. The proportion of patients treated with intravenous immunoglobulin(IVIG)during ten days was 45% .Conclusion Since KD is common in China. Continuous surveillance is necessary to maintain high awareness of KD so as to identify possible risk factors and its association with other disease.
Journal of North Sichuan Medical College