目的 探讨少年舞蹈体操学员髋关节与骶髂关节及坐骨结节骨骺损伤情况。资料与方法 6 0例 10~ 16岁少年学员 ,平均年龄 12 .5岁 ,男 2 9例 ,女 31例。其中从事训练 1年者 35例 ,接受训练 2年者 2 5例。 6 0例均摄正位骨盆X线片 ,以观察少年舞蹈体操学员骨盆的异常改变。结果 骨盆正位X线片显示 :最明显的变化是坐骨结节骨骺的撕脱骨折、分离与干骺端增生硬化 (2 5 % ) ,坐骨结节外上缘皮质吸收 (46 .7% ) ,骨骺正常或未出现(2 1.7% )。此外还包括骨骺终板中心硬化 (6 0 % ) ,髋关节出现真空 (31.7% )、狭窄或稍窄以及髋臼顶增生硬化等。骶髂关节面模糊破坏、凹凸不平硬化 (2 6 .7% )等。结论 少年舞蹈体操学员初期接受严格训练 ,运动量过大 ,容易造成骨盆损伤 。
Objective To investigate the injuries of the hip joint, sacroiliac (SI) joint and the epiphysis of ischial tuberosity in young dancers.Materials and Methods Sixty young dancers (31 girls and 29 boys, ages 10~16 with a mean of 12.5) were enrolled in this study. Pelvic film in A-P position was taken in all cases. The radiographs were observed by two experienced radiologists, focusing on the abnormality of the hip, SI joint and the epiphysis of ischial tuberosity.Results The most striking findings were the avulsion, fracture or separation of the sichial tuberosity epiphysis and the hyperplasia, sclerosis of osteoepiphysis (25%), cortical absorption of the lateral upper border of the ischial tuberosity (46.7%), normal or un-appeared ischial tuberosity epiphysis (21.7%). The other findings included central sclerosis of the epiphyseal end-plate (60%), vacuum sign in hip joint (31.7%), narrowing or sclerosis of the hip joint, blurring and irregular sclerosis of SI joint (26.7%).Conclusion Due to strict training and excessive exercise, pelvic injuries are frequently seen in young dancers.
Journal of Clinical Radiology