本文报告了来自七省一市5002名新兵吸烟情况的调查结果。吸烟者2353人,占47%,吸烟史最长达10年,开始吸烟年龄最小为7岁。吸烟率最高为北京籍战士,最低的为河北籍战士,超平均吸烟率(47%)的有北京、内蒙、河南籍新兵。对全体被调查者进行了最大呼气流速 PEFR 测定,发现随着吸烟年数(烟龄)的增加,PEFR 逐渐降低。对戒烟态度的询问认为应当戒烟的仅占37.6%。
5002 cases of new recruit soldiers were investigated for their smokinghabits.Among them,2353 were smokers,accounted for 47% of total,thelongest history of smoking was 10 years,the youngest age to start smoke was7 years old.Beijing born soldiers had the highest smoking rate,while HeBei born soldiers had the lowest.Thc smoking rates of Beijing,lnncr-Mongolia and He Nan born new recruit soldiers exceeded the average(47%).PEFRwere measured in all of the new recruits investigated.The result showedthat PEFR decreased gradually with the duration of smoking(smoking age).As for the attitude of quiting only 37.6% of smokers considered that the habitmust be quited which indicated that in order to reduce the morbidity of thedeseases related to smoking.Propaganda of the harmful effects of smokingshould be stressed.
Journal of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diseases