Both "leges sacratae " and "Carta magna" are constitutional documents those that generated when the rulers and subjects have fundamental contradiction for resolving above-said contradiction through peaceful mean, so both of them have demonstrated a spirit of compromise between internal opposition groups of a political community. Both " leges sacratae " and " Carta magna " have fundamentally changed the previous political system. Before the leges sacratae, the powers of aristocratic bureaucracy has non any restrict, after these documents, The tribune began to restrict the power of consul by means of his power of veto, mentre the consilium of plebis begin to check powers of the Comitia Centuriata, and reached a checks and balances. Before the " Carta Magna ", the king was above laws, after this document, the king has became to be below the laws, by this change, it was open the way to the English rule of laws. Both " leges sacratae" and " Carta magna " have religiosity. We can say that the religiosity promots a reconciliation, strengthening people's confidence in the fulfillment of the agreement, reducing the costs of social changes.
Journal of Modern Rule of Law