
中美BIT框架下美国外国投资国家安全审查机制的因应研究 被引量:2

Research on Countermeasures to U.S. Foreign Investment National Security Review Mechanism under the Framework of China-U.S. BIT
摘要 随着中国对美投资数量的不断增长,美国对中国投资的国家安全审查呈现出日益收紧的态势,实践中已经成为中国企业赴美投资的严重障碍。传统国际法认为国家安全属于当事国可以自由裁量的内容,不受其他国家(地区)政府或国际组织的规制。面对投资中的困难,中国投资者和中国政府有必要考虑通过其他途径对作为东道国的美国政府可能滥用国家安全审查权力予以适度"钳制",双边投资条约(BITs)有助于在国际法层面对两国间投资关系加以约束。随着美国特朗普政府上台后奉行的"美国利益第一"政策的推进和深化,美国更多从多边合作转向双边合作。本文以中国企业赴美投资遭受的国家安全审查案例入手,希望通过在中美BIT谈判中完善国家安全例外内容、明确判断模式、明确适用要求和完善救济机制等方面入手,将备受关注的美国外国投资国家安全审查制度纳入中美BIT的框架之内,使中美双边投资关系在BIT保障下健康发展。 With the development of China's investment in the U.S., the U.S. national security review on China's investment has presented an increasingly tightening trend, which in practice has become a serious obstacle for Chinese enterprises to invest in the U.S. Under traditional international law, national security belongs to a discretionary matter of a sovereign state and can't be regulated by other states(regions) or international organizations. In order to resolve this difficulty, Chinese investors and the Chinese government shall consider other effective resolutions to restrict the possibility that the U.S. government as a host state may abuse the powerof national security review. Bilateral investment treaties(BITs) are beneficial to adjust the investment relationship between the two states in the international law level. Since the "U.S. First" policy has been promoted after the Trump Administration came into power, the U.S. government has more focused on bilateral cooperation rather than multilateral cooperation. Based on the cases reviewed by the U.S. national security review system of Chinese enterprises to invest in the U.S., the article attempts to adopt the U.S. national security review mechanism into the framework of the China-U.S. BIT by improving the contents of national security, clarifying the model to judge national security, improving the application requirements and promoting remedy system to guarantee the healthy development of China-U.S. bilateral investment relationships.
作者 梁咏 张一心
出处 《现代法治研究》 2017年第3期123-134,共12页 Journal of Modern Rule of Law
基金 梁咏主持的2014年上海市教育委员会科研创新项目"双边投资协定发展趋势与中国对策研究"(课题批注号:14ZS001) 2012年上海社科青年项目"欧债危机背景下中国与欧盟贸易摩擦及对策研究"(课题批注号:2012EFX001) 2014年度司法部国家法治与法学理论研究中青年项目"大数据时代的信息安全法律保障研究"(课题批注号:14SFB30039)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 国家安全审查 中美BIT 安全例外 自行判断 National Security Review China-U.S.BIT Security Exception Self-Judgment
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