According to China's Mainland’s Law of the Application of Law for Foreign-Related Civil Relations,matrimonial property regime shall be governed by the law chosen by husband and wife;in the absence of such choice of law,it shall be governed by the law of husband and wife’s habitual residence or that of their nationality(Article 24);in case that husband and wife have neither common habitual residence nor nationality,the matrimonial property regime shall be governed by the law of that jurisdiction which has the most significant relationship to their matrimonial property regime(Article 2).The law chosen by husband and wife or designated by the conflict rules refers to substantive law excluding conflict of laws(Article 9).In general terms,China's Mainland’s application of law on matrimonial property regime adheres to both the current international practice and the tradition of conflict of laws for it respects the autonomy of husband and wife’s will,and designates lex personalis as the default choice of law.However,it gives husband and wife undue freedom to choose the governing law so that third parties’rights are neglected at all.Additionally,those connecting factors of lex personalis selected and the way they are arranged,not only fail to resolve both the positive conflict of nationality and that of interregional conflict of laws but make the application of'the most significant relationship'principle confusing,increasing unpredictability of application of law.
Journal of Modern Rule of Law
matrimonial property regime
autonomy of parties’will
habitual residence
lex patriae
the principle of the most significant relationship