用气相色谱 质谱法对山东昆嵛山产油松节挥发油进行化学成分的分析。采用水蒸气蒸馏法从油松节中提取挥发油。采用不同类型的毛细管柱进行分析,找出最佳分析条件,用归一化法测定其含量,并用气相色谱 质谱法对化学成分进行鉴定。共鉴定了48个成分,占挥发油总成分的84%以上。结果表明,此方法稳定可靠,重现性好,适用于中药挥发油的化学成分分析。
GC/MS was applied to the determination of chemical components of essential oil prepared from Chinese Pine (Pinus tabulaeformis carr.) The volatile essential oil was extracted from the dry joints of Chinese Pine by steam distillation. The separation conditions were tested by using different types of capillary columns, and the SE 54 elastic quartz capillary column (25m×0.25mm, 0.25μm) was found to have higher separation efficiency than that of OV-17 and DB-1. Other operation conditions of chromatographic separation and MS determination were optimized, and the contents (in relative percentage) of 48 components of the volatile essential oil were found by using the normalization method, and their structures identified. These 48 compounds amounted totally to about 84% of the components in essential oil. The proposed method was proved to have relatively high accuracy and precision, and can also be used for analysis of Chinese traditional medicines.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part B:Chemical Analysis)