May-Thurner综合征(May-Thurner syndrome,MTS)的发病与左侧髂总静脉长期受压进而导致管腔的狭窄或者闭塞有关,但是目前仍然不知道产生这些病变的全部机制。过去对MTS的认识不足,因此诊断率较低。随着诊疗技术的不断提高和外科医生对这种疾病认识的增加,MTS的诊断率也逐渐提高。目前,一线治疗的血管腔内治疗远期通畅率不能确定,所以正确的诊断对治疗有重要的指导意义。本文对MTS的病因、诊断与治疗进展进行系统的阐述。
The incidence of May-Thurner syndrome(MTS) is related to the long-term compression of the left common iliac vein, which leads to the stenosis or occlusion of the lumen, but it is still not known to all the mechanisms of these lesions. Because of the lack of understanding of MTS in the past, the diagnostic rate of it is low. With the continuous improvement of diagnosis and treatment technology and the increase of the surgeon's awareness of the disease, the diagnosis rate of MTS also increased gradually. At present, the long-term patency rate of endovascular treatment is not sure, so it is very important to make the correct diagnosis. In this paper, the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of MTS were systematically expounded.
Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery