试验表明:1.0mg·L-1的Na2SeO3可以提高麦苗地上部GSH Px的活性。试验选用抑制效果相似的转录抑制剂AMD和翻译抑制剂CHI,分别或共同与1.0mg·L-1的Na2SeO3配合处理麦苗,都能抑制由Na2SeO3诱导的GSH Px的活性,72h后其抑制效果相似,差异不显著;而不和Na2SeO3配合的处理,差异却十分显著。试验表明:Na2SeO3对GSH Px的合成的诱导除在转录或翻译水平上外,还存在其他途径。
Treatment of wheat seedlings with Na_2SeO_3 at 1.0 mg/L increased the activity of GSH-Px (glutathione peroxidase) . Na_2SeO_3 (1.0 mg/L) combined with the transcription inhibitor Actinomycin D (AMD) or the translation inhibitor Cyclonheximede (CHI) or both inhibited Na_2SeO_3-induced GSH-Px activity with no significant difference between them as determined 72 h after the treatments. Significant difference was observed between the two inhibitors in their inhibitory effect when they were used alone, without combination with Na_2SeO_3. The experiment showed that Na_2SeO_3-induced GSH-Px biosynthesis happens before translation, not after it and that other pathway of induction may exist addition to the known pathways on the transcription and translation levels.
Journal of Southwest Agricultural University