Both Zou Lu and Chiang Kaishek were members of the Nationalist Party most trusted by Sun Yatsun in his late years. Zou Lu was the president of the Guangdong zhongshan University-a 'civil service school' cultivating backbones for the revolutionary party, while Chiang Kaishek was the president of the Huangpu Military Academy-a 'military school' cultivating mainstays for the revolutionary troops. But the two were widely divergent in their political choices after the death of Sun. One became a member of the 'Western Hill Sect' firmly advocated separation from the Communists, while the other became, for a time, a 'Red General' firmly advocated union with communists. Were the two definitely a 'leftist' and a 'rightist' then? Why did the two disputed since they both had opposed the communists? Here is an attempt to answer the above questions through examinations of the relation between them in the time from 1924 to 1927 and a penetrating look into the complicated and subtle interactive relation between the mainstreams and the oppositions within the Nationalist Party.
Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences