
泰国的禁毒运动 被引量:3

Thailand: Its Campaign against Drugs
摘要 制毒、贩毒和吸毒是当今世界最大的公害之一。它跟艾滋病、恐怖主义一样,是人类的大敌。目前全世界毒品的种植、生产和消费仍呈蔓延和发展的趋势,毒品问题已成为全球性的问题,几乎没有一个国家能幸免于难。地处世界著名毒源“金三角”的泰国,更是在劫难逃,长期受到毒品的危害和困扰,可以说,毒品已成为泰国国家安全与稳定的主要威胁之一。他信政府自2001年2月上台执政以来,把禁毒作为与脱贫、治贪并列的三大施政目标之一。他信认为,毒品是泰国当前的大敌,防毒反毒是政府的当务之急,提出了向“毒品宣战”的口号。近三年,由于措施得力,行动果断,所以扫毒工作战果累累。泰国政府禁毒的成功将不仅造福于全体泰国人民,也将为整个亚洲乃至全世界的禁毒斗争做出历史性贡献。 Drug producing, drug trafficking, and drug taking are among the most serious scourges in the present world. Like AIDS and terrorism, drugs is mankind' s big enemy. At present, the planting, manufacturing and consumption of drugs are still spreading and expanding, and drugs has become a global problem to which almost no country is immune. Located near the famous drugs source 'Golden Triangle', Thailand has inevitably been plagued by drugs for a long time, we can say that drugs has become one of the greatest threats to the security and stability of the country. Since February 2001, the Thaksin administration has incorporated the fight against drugs into its main administrative objectives, the other two being poverty relief and the fight against corruption. Thaksin thinks that drugs is the most serious problem facing Thai government, and the fight against drugs is its most urgent task. Therefore, he put forward the slogan 'Declare War on Drugs'. In the past three years, Thaksin' s government has made great achievements in combating drugs due to their effective measures and resolute actions. The Thai government's success in fighting drugs will not only greatly benefit Thai people, but also make historical contribution to the fight against drugs in the world.
作者 岑容林
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 2003年第6期28-33,共6页 Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 泰国 政府 毒品 国家安全 禁毒运动 扫毒工作 Thailand, government, drugs, declare war
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